Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"Song of Myself" by Whalt Whitman

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This book was one long poem that described life as Walt Whitman sees it. Whitman refers to "I" many times in the story but i don't beleive he is talking about only himself, he referst to every one. He is a therty seven year old man that is healthy. He would like to have the joy of life till he dies.

Then he speaks about nature and life, he exprehow close and intuned he is with nature and humanity. the he mentions perfumes with coenside with individuality. Expressing the uniquness of each humin beange. he also explains the importance of individuality and that a person must strive to be unique and not follow others.

The discution of prosparity and joy that a persons scences can feel, hear, touch, smell and taste. The importace of freedom was eminent, and desire for it was present in his poetry. He does not believe that knowlage is the most important factor in ones life but freedom is a detail one could not fully live without it. without freedom you cant fofill life as it should be lived.

His grates mottow is life is clear and simple, simplicity is the true way to live life. He does not give much care to matirealistic things. Life in its simple form is ""sweet" and good. When you have acheved "sweet" life joy and unification with ones sole is present.

Everything in life is joyful. Different perspectives complete the world. The massage that i got from this poem is individuality and differece compleats this world and it is important to conect with ones soul.

Whitman expresses the theme of individuality by constantly explaining how important it is to be ones self and not following others. Which connects it to desire because every one has the desire to be unique and to beable to do what they want. Freedom gives individuals a chance at life and express themselves without being ridiculed. Peace will be gained by freedom because if people are free the wont have things to fight about therefore they will be able to acheve full quality of life. having acheved a unbounding quality of life a person will come to love nature and the surroundings. To love ones surroundings is to love humanitie and the people aroud you.

life and death are opposites, both expressed hand in hand in this story the story relates them by saying you should live life to the fullest till you die, you never know when you will die so live every day like it is the last. You should also live life in nature conecting your soul to the worlds
finest nature, and the importance of seeing the true beauty of nature and life.

The video bellow is a monolog, a man acting out certain scenes from "Song of Myself".

Why was Whitman so concerned with the balence between life and death?
What does he mean when he says we are limitless?
Walt has very strong feelings for the world around, what are the reasons for it?
Do you think Whitman's point of view is concrete or abstract?

The following clip expresses the life story of Walt Whitman and all of his works of writing.

I enjoyed reading this poem by Walt Whitman, it went in to vivid detail of the world as Walt saw it. It was a great reading in to someone else's view on life and death and how the contradict themselves. This poem really makes you think about how the quality of life and how the surrounding nature impact a persons soul and their well being. I would recommend this story to all because it shows a point of view that is "out of the box" so to speak, an abstract but at the same time concrete point of view.

The following video highlights quotes from Walt Whitman's work and expresses the themes as well.

Question of the day!!!!!!!!!
What did you think about this book? Did you have similar thoughts to me? Add your own feedback.